Within the written content of my site, there may be links to affiliate products I promote.
When you buy something from www.catrepeneur.com website, I (Catherine) may receive a small commission from such sales.
The opinions expressed within the content of this website are my personal opinions and do not represent the opinions of the companies that create these products.
My content (not to be copied without permission) and written reviews/comments (not to be copied without written permission) are based on my own or the website visitors’ personal experience and research.
I never recommend poor quality products or create false reviews to make sales. Should you have any questions concerning affiliate links/products feel free to email me at support1@catrepeneur.com. I will be happy to help in any way I possibly can.
It is my intention to provide as much knowledge, as well as, explain products/programs so you can make informed decisions on which product/program would suit your personal needs best.